Alessandra Rose You Are Gold (cover photo: Rachel Sumner)
Alessandra Rose You Are Gold (cover photo: Rachel Sumner)

The phrase “You Are Gold” could easily apply to Seattle singer-songwriter Alessandra Rose, whose tender, melancholy vocals distinguish her impressive debut solo album.

In fact, “You Are Gold” is the title of the new album, which features nine striking originals. among them “I’ll Put You Down,” “Sorry,” “Gold” and “The Good It Goes Around,” written by Rose and produced by Paul Hiraga. The project was funded by Kickstarter.

It’s hard not to fall for Rose and the lovely songs on “You Are Gold.” It’s a very special release filled with bright promise for the singer-songwriter’s future.

Rose celebrates the auspicious release with a performance (featuring Smokey Brights and Jason Dodson) at 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8, at the Tractor Tavern. The show is produced by the Tractor and Debra Heesch Presents. Get the details here.

The album was released Sept. 4 and is available for download at Bandcamp. You can also find it at Amazon, as well as Sonic boom and Easy Street.

Backing Rose on “You Are Gold” are Hiraga on bass, organ and vocals; Christopher Jones on synthesizer and vocals, Rusty Willoughby on drums and Begin Scarseth on violin.

Here’s a video of Rose performing “I’ll Put You Down,” the album’s first song, at the Columbia City Theater:

Read my previous story about Rose, a rising star among Seattle’s singer-songwriters.

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