Remember He Is We, the onetime Tacoma-livin’ and then MySpace-driven pop duo? (Remember MySpace?)
Well, He Is We is no longer around, but singer-songwriter Rachel Taylor is, having survived both Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and, as she was diagnosed two years ago at age 21, the rare autoimmune disease Ankylosing Spondylitis (the treatment included chemotherapy).
Then there was a divorce, as well as the defection of her two male He Is We bandmates. (It’s complicated.)
So here’s Taylor launching her solo career with the title song of her upcoming (June 23) EP, “Come Alive,” in which she says she explores, not surprisingly, “the darker side of pop”:
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Mikel Toombs is a frequent contributor to GeneStout.com. Read his last post on Rachel Taylor here.)