Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

The Michael Jackson estate could earn $200 million by the end of this year, according to executors.

“Clearly that’s a new record for estates that likely will not be broken,” John Branca, Jackson’s lawyer and co-executor of the estate, said in a New York Times story by Tim Arango.

According to the Times, “The model for Mr. Jackson’s posthumous business empire is Elvis Presley. ‘When you look at what the Presley estate has done, you see the opportunities here,’ Branca said. ‘I quite frankly think this will be a bigger estate.’ ”

The New York Times story goes on to say: “In life, Mr. Jackson faced a precarious financial future, as he piled on debts to finance his tastes in art, to travel on private jets and to keep up Neverland. In death, his estate may enjoy the financial security he never had.”

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