Billy Corgan
Billy Corgan


If you’re a pro wrestling fan, Monday, April 27, was the greatest day you’ve ever known.

Yes, Billy Corgan, “Smashing Pumpkins mastermind and rock innovator,” has signed on as Senior Producer, Creative and Talent Development, for TNA Wrestling’s flagship program “Impact Wrestling,” televised Friday nights on Destination America. (Despite all the rage, he’s still just a rat in a cage match.)

Corgan, whose personal story line includes vanquishing opponents from his own band, will “develop characters and story lines.” “For as cultures currently evolve at great speed,” he said, “so must pro wrestling meet and supersede such expectations to thrive.” (I think there’s a song there.)

Presumably, Corgan will not be taking over the role of TNA wrestler Rockstar Spud, who would seem less interested in smashing opponents than in mashing them.

Read more about Corgan and TNA Wrestling here and here.

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