Brandi Carlile (photo: Kit Chalberg)
Brandi Carlile (photo: Kit Chalberg)


In an interview last week, Northwest singer-songwriter Brandi Carlile revealed that she has left Columbia Records, her longtime label, to chart a new course. It’ll be exciting to see what happens next.

This fall, she and “the twins” – Tim and Phil Hanseroth – will hole up in a cabin in the San Juan Islands to work on their next album.

“The vision is to go in completely unplanned and record it unrehearsed . . . and see if for the first time in our recording career we can capture some of that really spontaneous magic that happens when you don’t have to send demos to the record label to get permission to make the record,” Carlile said.

Carlile’s current tour includes a pair of sold-out homecoming concerts Thursday and Friday, Aug. 22 and 23, at the north meadow at the Woodland Park Zoo.

Read my entire Seattle Times story here.

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