Yoram Bauman
Yoram Bauman


A global meltdown may be on the horizon but: tragedy tomorrow, comedy tonight!

That would be the night of Jan. 28, when Yoram Bauman, the “world’s first and only stand-up economist,” performs at Seattle’s University Unitarian Church (6556 35th Ave NE) as part of Climate Action Week. Read more about Climate Action Week and get additional details about Bauman’s set here.

Now, economists seem to have some pretty funny ideas but Bauman takes his humor, er, seriously. Author of “The Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change,” the UW Ph.D. and Seattle resident says that “to some extent I do comedy so that I can talk to people about carbon pricing.”

Bauman believes that “climate change has the potential to be a huge issue this century; I’m not convinced that a climate catastrophe is looming, but I think the threat of a climate catastrophe should be taken seriously.”

Read more about Bauman at his official website here.

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