The Not-Its! will put the Vera Project’s “all ages” designation to the test when they appear there Saturday, Feb. 9.

Performing at the Seattle Center club at 11 a.m. (yes, that’s in the morning, on a weekend), the band, members of the Kindiependent collective, “which also includes Recess Monkey, Caspar Babypants and The Harmonica Pocket,” should put “discerning parents” to the test while delighting their “dance-happy kids.”
Lead singer Sarah Shannon, formerly of Washington, D.C.’s (and SubPop’s) Velocity Girl, has said, “The Not-Its! believe that kid energy is an untapped natural resource. We’ve seen music move kids to action and know this energy can be used for good. Rock ‘n’ roll is empowerment and we want to inspire kids to use their power for good.”
Tickets to the CD release party for The Not-Its!’s fourth album, “KidQuake!,” are free with a canned food donation to the Ballard Food Bank. For more information, go to this Facebook page.
Visit the Vera Project’s website here.
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Mikel Toombs is a frequent contributor to Read his recent blog about Taylor Swift here.)