Festivalgoers at Friday's CHBP (photo: Jim Bennett)
Festivalgoers at Friday's CHBP (photo: Jim Bennett)

The Capitol Hill Block Party, the city’s biggest indie music festival, began Friday, July 20, in the Capitol Hill business district.

Seattle photographers Jim Bennett and Suzi Pratt were among the photographers capturing images of the performers and crowds at the annual festival, which continues through Sunday, July 22.

The gallery of photos below includes Fitz & the Tantrums, Allen Stone, Thee Oh Sees, Janka Nabay, Father John Misty, Black Breath, Nacho Picasso and Stanley the interactive player piano.

Read Andrew Matson’s preview of the festival in the Seattle Times.

Get all the details about the festival, where music fans can discover a lot of new acts, at the official website here.

Noelle Scaggs of Fitz & the Tantrums (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Noelle Scaggs of Fitz & the Tantrums (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Allen Stone (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Allen Stone (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Crowd at Friday's CHBP (photo: Jim Bennett)
Crowd at Friday's CHBP (photo: Jim Bennett)
Building at CHBP (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Building at CHBP (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Thee Oh Sees (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Thee Oh Sees (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Stanley interactive piano (photo: Jim Bennett)
Stanley interactive piano (photo: Jim Bennett)
Janka Nabay (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Janka Nabay (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Father John Misty (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Father John Misty (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Black Breath (photo: Jim Bennett)
Black Breath (photo: Jim Bennett)
Nacho Picasso (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Nacho Picasso (photo: Suzi Pratt)
Crowd at Friday's CHBP (photo: Jim Bennett)
Crowd at Friday's CHBP (photo: Jim Bennett)

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