Geoff Tate of Queensryche (photo: Alan Birdsell)
Geoff Tate of Queensryche (photo: Alan Birdsell)

Queensryche frontman Geoff Tate is launching another wine on his “Insania” label, a collaboration with Walla Walla’s Three Rivers Winery.

Tate will roll out the new white wine — a blend of sauvignon blanc (78 percent) and semillon (22 percent) — Feb. 4 and 5 at Snoqualmie Casino (at exit 27 on Interstate 90) in conjunction with performances of “Queensryche Cabaret,” dubbed “The First Adults Only Rock Show.”

The flavors of honeydew melon, pear and apricot are featured in the new wine. It’s a labor of love for Tate, who has been intimately involved in its development.

Tate’s previous “Insania” wine was a signature red wine blend.

Last March, Tate was featured in Wine Spectator magazine.

“Wine has been an important part of my life and the creation of Insania is yet another avenue to express my creativity and give my fans something more they can enjoy,” Tate said in a statement.

“I hope to keep producing wine as long as I enjoy drinking it — and that’s likely going to be for a very long time.”

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