Sugar Stems
Sugar Stems


With a name like Sugar Stems, the Milwaukee power-pop quintet invites such descriptions as “strawberry-sweet” and “wonderfully saccharine.”

How “wonderfully saccharine” are they?

Sugar Stems are so wonderfully saccharine, Noisey opines, that they could make a song about your entire family dying and you’d be like, “Man, today is a pretty good day, let’s get a frozen yogurt!”

I suspect frozen yogurt won’t be served when Sugar Stems perform Friday, July 25, at Seattle’s Victory Lounge, which, The Stranger opined in 2010, “is (shockingly) a fine replacement for the longtime beloved dive the Lobo, with strong drinks, live shows (sometimes GLORIOUSLY LOUD) … .” The Victory Lounge is at 433 Eastlake Ave. E.

Visit the Sugar Stems’ official website here.

You can stream Sugar Stems’ new (second) album, “Only Come Out at Night,“ which only came out this week, in its entirety here.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Mikel Toombs is a frequent contributor to Read his recent post on POP Montreal here.)

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